baby clothes

Lazy Baby: Summer Time!

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Summer is here and so I put together some baby must-haves for some fun in the sun.

  1. Sunglasses: Lazy Baby has a pair and it is the cutest thing in the world to see a toddler with sunglasses on. (Target)
  2. Sunscreen: A requirement for sunny days...and overcast days, too. I speak from personal experience, you can get a sunburn on a cloudy day. Just FYI. (Target)
  3.  Sun hat: MORE SUN PROTECTION! Plus, it's a cute hat. (Old Navy)
  4. Terry swim cover: If you go swimming, this is like a towel your baby can wear. Plus, MORE SUN PROTECTION! (Old Navy)
  5. "Boy's" swimsuit: I love the surfing dinosaurs! (Old Navy)
  6. "Girl's" swimsuit: Fun, tropical vibes. (Old Navy)

Gifts for Baby: Something to Wear

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Some holiday wear to make baby festive!


Baby Books: 

  1. "You Make Me Happy" Onesiebecause it is truth. :D
  2. "Merry Everything" Onesie: this is on our cards this year!
  3. Robeez baby shoes: These aren't really "holiday" shoes, but Lazy Baby NEEDS shoes and I love these.
  4. "Little Helper" outifit: my heart is melting.
  5. "It's the most magical time of the year" outfit: I'm dead. Too cute.