
Getting Ready for Baby #2: Phase 01 Update


I’ve hit a road block that’s holding me up with moving on from Phase 01. Here’s my update:


  • Take stock: I need to find LB's old things in our attic and go through them. Clean up whatever I want to reuse and donate the rest (this is our FINAL baby). Done! I got all the boxes of LB’s baby stuff from the attic and went through them. I’d say about a quarter of it I donated and the rest I washed and have it waiting to be put away.

  • Get Organized: Then I need to organize LB's room to accommodate LB2's stuff. LB2 will be sleeping in our room for at least the first 6 months, but ultimately we plan to have the two kiddos share a room. Here’s the road block! I ordered some cube shelves from Target and it is setting in its box waiting to be assembled but apparently we’ve lost every single screw driver we own. Mr. LL keeps forgetting to bring home one from work and I’m about to just go buy a new one because it is driving me crazy.

  • Sleeping Arrangements: Like I said, LB2 will be in our room at first and I need to figure out if a pack-n-play will fit in there or if we need a bassinet. I’ve determined that a pack-n-play will work just fine, BUT ideally I’d like to have a bassinet in our room for space reasons. However, this will just have to be determined closer to the end of my pregnancy when I see how much money I’ve saved up to buy the pieces we “need” for LB2.

I’m hoping that by September, I can move on to Phase 2.

Getting Ready for Baby #2: Challenge!


This week I will hit the 20 week mark in this pregnancy! Halfway done now! With that said, and with starting back up with the blog, I thought I’d dust off the “challenge” I gave myself last pregnancy. We haven’t really started getting ready for this kiddo yet, aside from the doctor visits and making a registry on Amazon, so I’ve tweaked what I did last time around to fit this pregnancy. (You can read the kick-off post to the original challenge here and the final post here).

There will be four phases. The breakdown is roughly: Phase One - Planning; Phase Two - Gather; Phase Three - Needs; Phase Four - Final Prep. Last time I checked in weekly with my progress, but I’m not going to promise that frequency this go around.

So, let’s get started…


  • Take stock: I need to find LB's old things in our attic and go through them. Clean up whatever I want to reuse and donate the rest (this is our FINAL baby).

  • Get Organized: Then I need to organize LB's room to accommodate LB2's stuff. LB2 will be sleeping in our room for at least the first 6 months, but ultimately we plan to have the two kiddos share a room.

  • Sleeping Arrangements: Like I said, LB2 will be in our room at first and I need to figure out if a pack-n-play will fit in there or if we need a bassinet.

Get Out

No, not Jordan Peele's horror amazing horror movie. Sorry if that's what you thought this was about, I can see how it could be a bit misleading. However, that movie came out over a year ago, and while I know I can be a bit behind the times, I'm not THAT bad.


No, I'm talking about Lazy Baby's developing linguistic capabilities. She's got a handle on "da da" and Mr. LL swears that she cries "mommy/mama" when I'm not around (though I cannot get her to call me mama to my face, sigh). She's working on "ball" these days. However, there are two PHRASES that she has down and uses with meaning and in the right context. The first is "what's that?" which we've been saying to her for her whole life, so I can see why she'd pick up on it. It is super adorable when she says it, too. She'll point to something and in a soft, breathy whisper she asks "wassat?" 


The other phrase that Lazy Baby has down is "get out." Smh. I didn't realize just HOW MUCH we say it in our house and never really to any of the humans living there, but almost always to the pets. Especially to our cat Cake, who likes to jump into LL's gated off play space. At first, we let this happen because Cake is super sweet and chill, the perfect pet to let LL practice interacting with the pets. But then Cake got a really bad flea problem so we would kick her out so wouldn't pick fleas off the baby. :| Then there's Bigby, our dog, who is always getting into something; the garbage, the litter boxes, anything edible that's left out. So we say "get out" or "get off" to him a lot, too. (Mei-mei, our fat fur baby is an absolute angel who never gets fussed at...except when she tries to steal food from your mouth). So, the past two weeks, LL has been saying "GEH-OW GEH-OW" and I suspected she was saying "get out" at first, but wasn't sure. Then my suspicions were confirmed when I was in her play room with her and Cake jumped over the gate. She toddled over to Cake and pushed her (gently) and said "GEH-OW GEH OW." Oh man. 


It slightly bothers me that we apparently say "get out" more in her presence than she hears "I love you." I've started to say "I love you" every time she gives me a hug, which these days is every five minutes. I'm hoping she'll pick up on that soon.

To my other parents out there, were there any funny/odd/unique first words with your children? Let me know in the comments.