Gifts for Baby: Something She Wants (a.k.a. Toys)

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I told myself that this first Christmas with Lazy Baby, we didn't need to go over board with presents for her because: A) She doesn't care; and B) Our families will probably buy all the things this year. However, when I made this gift guide, I just couldn't help myself and Lazy Baby now has more presents waiting to be wrapped on their way than any one else we are getting gifts for this year. Sign. So it begins.


Baby Toys: 

  1. Wooden UFO PlaysetHow cute is this playset? If you ask me, it is light years cooler than a dollhouse. (affiliate)
  2. Toy RemoteLazy Baby is always wanting the remotes in our house (T.V., XBox, etc.), so maybe if we get her one for her, our electronics will be safe...and we'll stop losing them because we have to hide them from her. (affiliate)
  3. Classic Fisher-Price ToysA ring stacker and shape blocks, because you can't beat the classics. (affiliate)
  4. Fisher-Price Franky Beats Bat and BoogieThis is a sensory-developing toy that offers different activities to stimulate Lazy Baby's developing skills as she grows. (affiliate)
  5. Toy PhoneIn the same realm as our remotes, Lazy Baby also wants everyone's phone. She can have this one to chew on to her little heart's content. (affiliate)