Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt



If we were having coffee, I'd share that I'm really excited for the post (possibly posts?) I'll be doing over at Part Time Monster next month. I can't talk about it just yet, big reveal coming soon, but I'm really looking forward to it.

I've been binging on Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt on Netflix. It's such a funny show. Seriously, if you haven't checked it out, and you like to laugh, you should watch it. You can finish reading this later. Go watch a couple of episodes. I'll wait.

Welcome back! I cleaned off my desk yesterday, it really needed it, and it feels so nice to be able work at it without feeling crammed because of all the junk that's been piling up on it. Sketchbooks, paints, things to shred, things to file, random tools (thanks Mr. LL) and my slight addiction to notepads/notebooks had really made it hard to function. It's very refreshing.

Speaking of refreshing, Bigby has begun to go for walks! He doesn't want to go potty on these walks, so we still have to use the puppy pads (which sometimes, I wonder why we bother, if you know what I mean); but I'm just happy to be able to give him a release of all that puppy energy in a less-destructive manner (goodbye, my nude pumps). It's been nice to watch spring blossom and nice to spend some time outside.

But it hasn't all been sunshine and spring. This past week, I've been dealing with self-doubt and Bigby being a little monster. Those things are not related, but they have combined to put me in a crappy mood a few days this week. I really want to have this blog blossom, and maybe this isn't something I should share with my readers, but I honestly try to put myself, the real me, into all that I publish here. Self-doubt and wondering if what I'm trying to create, what I'm working so hard on, putting all my free time into is worth the struggle is part of the package. But I believe in Lazy Lady, and the things I share with you all, so I know in my heart it's worth it. Every comment I read makes me happy. So thank you, for reading. As for Bigby, well, that's another story.