Weekly Goals

I'm trying something out here. I've been reading A LOT of Dana White's blog A Slob Comes Clean and it has really inspired me. I randomly found it via a pin on Pinterest, about two weeks ago I think, and I started from the beginning of her journey and am working my way through her archives. I identify with her struggle so much. So, I'm going to give her "method" a try and see if it works.

From what I've gathered, she worked on developing habits as opposed to just creating some daunting to-do list. I started do this too with the Baby Steps Challenge, but then fell out of practice with all the things I had worked on. So, I'm going to try again.

Every week I'm going to add something to my to-do list. Dana calls them Non-Negotiables, meaning that she's not allowed to convince herself it doesn't need to be done EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

For this week, I'm starting from the beginning and going back to my original list of tasks, so my goal is to make the bed every single day.

I'm starting small, but it will be growing. I hope I can keep this up.

It was a really tough decision, but I made it

October is the month I usually dedicate my blog to all things Halloween. I do affiliate posts with ideas for decor, fashion and costumes; Mr. LL and I do our Trick Or Treat series; there's the horror movie watching and thematically appropriate table top recommendations. I love going all out on the blog in October!

But as much as I love it, it doesn't really belong here. Sigh. I hated admitting this to myself, but it's true.

There a few things that I've fought myself over keeping/letting go even though they aren't part of what Lazy Lady is all about...which is helping me to not be a gross human being.

So, with that said, I'll be posting off and on for the rest of the year, but with no set schedule really. I'm going to be doing quite a bit of "behind the scenes" work on the blog and its content, though, over the next few months.

I hope you'll like the new formats and content when they are ready to reveal to world!

Goal Getter /// October 2016

I can't believe it's October already. Sometimes it feels like time just drags, but other times I look up and days/weeks/months/years have flown by. Before I get into this month's goals, let's see how I did with September's goals:


  1. Exercise every day. Yeah, no. This did not happen. It felt like as soon as I made this an actual goal, I started to feel too ill to exercise. Then life got in the way and this goal just went out the window.
  2. Wear sunscreen. Didn't really need to do this because I didn't go outside.
  3. Get back into meditating. This didn't happen, either.
  4. Start journaling again. FINALLY, something I actually did accomplish! I don't have an official journal yet, but I've been writing in a WordDoc till I get one.
  5. Start work on my Halloween costume. I've been looking for the right pieces and parts to this costume. I don't want to break the bank on something I'm probably never going to wear again and will only be wearing to my work's costume contest, so it's been a struggle to find affordable options of what I want.


  1. See about going to the dentist. So, I discovered a hole in one of my wisdom teeth. A BIG hole. I'm currently having some health issues that make going to the dentist something I'm not supposed to do for awhile, but I'm going to talk to my doctor to see if I can get this taken care of. :/

  2. Make Halloween costume. Pretty self-explanatory.

  3. Rework the blog. More on this tomorrow.

  4. Enjoy the season. I love fall and Halloween. Normally, I dedicate my blog to Halloween during this month. Instead, this year, I'm just going to enjoy it with Mr. LL by watching Halloween/Horror movies and playing spooky board games.