July's Book, Booze and Bajingos Pick! Read along, join the book club!

Books Booze Bajingos Book Club-Annie

It's Annie's turn to pick, and she's been planning to have us read a Pratchett book ever since his passing in March. He is one of her favorite authors, and she wanted us to experience his Discworld series. Monstrous Regiment is the 31st book in the series, but Annie assures us all that it works as a stand alone.

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Books, Booze, and Bajingos's currently-reading ...
Books, Booze, and Bajingos 14 members
You don't have to have a Bajingo to be in the club, you just have to appreciate them! This book c...

Books we're currently reading

Monstrous Regiment Monstrous Regiment
by Terry Pratchett
Start date: June 24, 2015

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