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If we were having coffee...#weekendcoffeeshare

#weekendcoffeeshare is a weekly link up, hosted by Part Time Monster.

If we were having coffee, I'd tell you it has been a rough couple of days. Friday I spent with Bigby and our veternarian. He's doing ok now, but he's still sore from his ordeal. I fell asleep with him that afternoon and when Mr. LL got home, I got up in grump-state. So we had a small fight (about nothing, really) and that kinda set the tone for the weekend, unfortunately. Everyone is okay now, though. 

As I sip my coffee, I'd share that I'm super excited about the Blogger Brunch going down this upcoming weekend. I hope it as fun and as helpful as I envision it being. When I came up with the idea, it was born out of the fact that I'm starting this blog over, and it feels like the first time, and two of my coworkers have also started blogging recently. We talk to each other at work about blog things and share tips, so I thought it would be great if even just us three got together outside of work and talked about all of this stuff. Right now, there are 9 people who RSVPed to the Facebook invite, so that's even better! I'd love to have a nice little mix of new and experienced bloggers together to talk about blogging.

If we were having coffee, I'd share this exciting bit of news: Once A Month Gamer is moving to Lazy Lady! That's right! Diana at Part Time Monster agreed to let me move my monthly tabletop review to Lazy Lady, and in exchange, my I Heart It series on comic books/webcomics will be moving to her site. I think this will be a better fit for both of our blogs. I am so excited and the first OAMG post on Lazy Lady goes up tomorrow! I'll be review Tsuro, which is a lovely game and one of my new favorites.

If we were having coffee, I'd also tell you that I feel like purging my entire apartment. I have some GIANT garbage bags, and I'm going to fill them with all the miscellaneous stuff we have in our place that we never even look at. I'm so tired of living in clutter and we really just do not have the space for it. I'm even writing about it here so I can get myself motivated, today, to start the process. In fact, I'm off to go do just that...and some laundry. Somehow, we've lost a lot of our towels. I'm not sure where they went. That's a random thought thrown in and I will take that as a cue that my mind is ready to go do other things. I hope you have a great week!